Yeny had eight years old when, every weekend, went with her mom to an agricultural fairy to sell vegetables.
Yeny had eight years old when, every weekend, went with her mom to an agricultural fairy to sell vegetables.
Many years after, she got married and became a mother of four children. The family started to cultivate organic vegetables.
“At the beginning, I didn’t like to cultivate organic, was hard because many plagues ate the crops, and we didn’t get much product. But we started to get technical assistance, now it’s a different story. My life changed by dedicating myself to planting organic products because now things are better for my family”, she told.
Yeny is part of 45% of the Honduran population who are living in rural areas, and although “most of the agricultural area is dedicated to the production of low-profit crops such as bananas, plantains, rice, corn and beans”, this according to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
She and her family founded a way to get away from extreme poverty, through high-quality organic food. They chose to cultivate a different product, Chinese onion, and coriander and offered it to a supermarket.
As the other population, Yeny faces climate change, violence, natural disasters, and corruption, but with the help of an organization, they went up to a different standard of product and market. She attributes their success to the special process and the technical and agricultural assistance that they got.
“We obtain a product with high standards,” she says, and she claimed, “I can assure my product receives a special process and special cleaning because the product that does not get the quality is returned for the supermarket and no one sows to lose”.
But her story has a heartbreaking side, because their kids still help with the cropping, along with their scholar chores. According to World Vision Honduras “In Honduras, the highest incidence of child labor occurs in rural areas and implies the total or partial abandonment of studies, as well as exposure to health risks and, therefore, for the harmonious development of boys and girls”.
FORBETTERCOMMUNITY wants many Honduran citizens to get away from extreme poverty, reaching high stand products and quality of life, generating projects and opportunities for poor rural communities.
The projects include higher competitiveness and transform the communities in sustainable and development areas. Support health and education areas and improve children’s lives with stories where they have to play instead of working.
The solidarity and assistance of others are quite important for our organization, the humanitarian support is highly necessary, to help them to have a story and a fulfilling life.
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