The last few months have been, to say the least, tumultuous for everyone across the globe. But we march forward with strength and resilience – as is the human thing to do.
The last few months have been, to say the least, tumultuous for everyone across the globe. But we march forward with strength and resilience – as is the human thing to do.
In the second issue of our magazine, we shift our focus to Guatemala. We will be discussing issues related to poverty, corruption, inequality, and conflicts in the country. The intention is to educate the reader on the current situation in Guatemala from a socio-economic and political perspective such that we are in a better position to make a positive impact.
You will also find an article based on onfield research at the end of the issue. One of our Honduran reporters made her way to the slums of Honduras to give us an in-depth account of the realities of those plagued by poverty in her country. Here, you will meet a 90-year-old Ciriaca and an 11-year-old Marlen. People for who, we will make a difference with the Santa Cruz Project.
We hope the reader finds the content within these pages to be of value and to find it within themselves to help us make an impact. ForBetterCommunity intends to make a difference and we need your support in order to make the world a better, more equitable place.
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